The Windows Server Core has less exposed services. We shouldn’t overlook the security aspect of such solution. In addition, today, when most of the servers are virtualized, we can have higher density of the VMs per a virtualization host. The benefit of such solution is that we will need less resources on the server side. Now we have the solution – the FileZilla FTP server running on the Windows Server Core. Therefore, we do not need the GUI on the server side. The whole process of graphic representation of available data is carried out on the client side. In addition, the entire process of data exchange via FTP protocol does not require any server-side visualization. However, when we need a larger amount of the traffic or to server more users, the server side solution is only reasonable choice. The desktop side solution is useful for a small installations. We can use it either as a desktop side solution or as a full server side solution.

FileZilla FTP server is a very popular open-source solution.