If you have not replaced “-f lavfi -i testsrc” with “-i /your source path”, you will see the following test screen: Note 4: Increase buffer for smoother playback Otherwise, you will just have the test screen (as shown below), not your live stream. Note 2: Common errorsĪ recurring typo in fdk aac usage is that, during the installation process, you need to enter “–enable-fdk–aac” but when you use it in the command it is: “-c:a libfdk_aac” Note 3: Insert your source path

You must have followed all the steps above and the librtmp manual compilation or this is not gonna work: your credentials will be rejected by the server. $ ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i testsrc -c:v libx264 -b:v 1600k -preset ultrafast -b 900k -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -s 1920X1080 -x264opts keyint=50 -g 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f flv “ rtmp://.net/dacastmmd flashver=FMLE/3.020(compatible 20FMSc/1.0) live=true pubUser= 4578494364 pubPasswd= d24345c484 playpath= 54b0a1101e8a48dbb1ae33e4dd31ed25_3500 “ Important Notes (Please Read Carefully) Note 1: If your credentials are rejected Once here, you’ll need the following data, it can be found once you click the encoder setup button, please refer to the image above: Once there, please click the Encoder Setup button on the right, as pictured below: Open your Web Browser, navigate to the Dacast website, and then access your live Stream Tab, click on a channel to access the channel’s settings. Install FFmpeg using Homebrew by pasting this command in your Terminal:

To install brew, just copy-paste in your terminal: For more information on how to install Xcode Command Line Tools, please click here. Development tools:īefore getting started, please make sure to install the brew package manager and have an updated version of Xcode Command Line Tools included for free with your Mac OS distribution. You will need to compile FFmpeg with the help of brew () and specific librtmp parameters detailed below. Are you interested in FFmpeg live streaming on Dacast under Mac OS with FFmpeg? This guide provides a step-by-step explanation to get you started! To stream on Dacast under Linux with FFmpeg, click here.