So, I posted this for the next person to land on this thread. The mobile live OS such as Tails and Whonix already have the Tor browser pre-installed so you can skip ahead to step 5 if you use those. Neither the information in the last post nor the information at the "Adding Other Apps" page previously linked was exactly right. I know this is an old thread, but I arrived at it today after doing a web search. I also right-clicked the remaining entry and set the Category to "Internet". Qualunque cookie verrà automaticamente cancellato quando hai finito di navigare. Scarica Tor Browser ANTI-TRACCIAMENTO Tor Browser isola ogni sito che visiti, così i tracciatori e gli ad di terze parti non possono seguirti. They all showed as "Tor Browser", but I was able to identify which entry pointed to "firefox.exe" by hovering over each entry and waiting for the tooltip to appear, showing the exe file it pointed to. Difenditi contro tracciamento e sorveglianza.

Tor is the best way to hide your identity in the Internet and interests from the prying eyes of service providers and network administrators.

I think this is what the PortableApps menu uses for the name of the menu entry. Download Tor browser portable and install it on usb drive.